I haven’t been posting, because I’ve been writing a book. It’s A Guide to the Battle of Bennington & the Bennington Monument (West Mountain Press), scheduled for publication on Battle Day, August 16. I wrote it with visitors to Bennington in mind, but we all need to revisit our history now and then. It’s quite a stirring story – if I were making a movie of the Battle, I wouldn’t change a thing. With the help of my terrific designer Leslie Noyes, I’ve tried to make the book visually appealing. Here’s what the cover looks like:
The book will be available at outlets in Bennington County and through direct ordering. I’ll be posting information about how to get hold of it as soon as I have it in hand next week. In the meantime, I’m going to be speaking about it on VPR’s “Vermont edition” tomorrow (Thursday, August 11) at 12:35 pm.